
CTHB Hydraulic Breaker – F Series

The mounting point of the upright integrated breaker and the excavator is relatively high. For vertical and trench operations, the working range obtained by the pin-mounted breaker is relatively larger. The integrated bracket reduces the movement distance of the machine during the operation. The upright breaker has great advantages in vertical impact due to its large direct force.

“Lightweight Yet Powerful, Sturdy and Durable.”


Model Chisel Diameter Suitable Excavator Hammer Weight Operating Pressure Operating Oil Flow Blow Frequency Oil Hose Diameter Breaking Power Auto Grease System Back Cylinder N2 Gas Pressure Accumulator Pressure
No. mm Ton kg ㎏/㎠ L/min bpm inch kJ bar bar
CTHB05 35 0.5-1 75 90-120 15-25 800-1450 1/2 0.134 14-17 /
CTHB10 40 0.8-2.5 86 90-120 15-25 800-1450 1/2 0.259 14-17 /
CTHB20 45 1.2-3.0 108 90-120 20-30 700-1200 1/2 0.356 14-17 /
CTHB30 53 2.5-4.5 176 90-120 25-50 600-1100 1/2 0.475 14-17 /
CTHB35 60 2–5 232 90-120 25-50 600-1100 1/2 0.575 14-17 /
CTHB40 68 4–7 287 110-140 40-70 500-900 1/2 0.661 14-17 /
CTHB43 75 6–9 375 120-150 50-90 400-800 1/2 0.756 14-17 /
CTHB45 85 7–14 673 130-160 60-100 400-800 3/4 0.935 14-17 /
CTHB50 100 10–15 922 150-170 80-110 350-700 3/4 1.564 14-17 /
CTHB60 125 15-18 1,666 150-170 80-110 350-700 3/4 1.877 14-17 /
CTHB70 135 17-25 1,798 160-180 130-150 400-800  1 2.668 14-17 /
CTHB81 140 18-26 1,976 160-180 120-180 350-500  1 3.196 14-17 /
CTHB81A 140 18-26 2,065 160-210 120-180 400-550  1 3.204 14-17 55-60
CTHB100 150 26-30 2,133 160-180 150-210 350-450  1 3.758 14-17 55-60
CTHB121 155 28-32 2,613 160-180 180-240 300-450  1¼ 5.014 17-20 55-60
CTHB131 165 30-35 2,783 160-180 200-260 250-400  1¼ 6.974 17-20 55-60
CTHB140 165 32-38 3,043 160-180 210-270 250-380  1¼ 7.052 17-20 55-60
CTHB151 175 37-45 3,643 160-190 210-290 200-350  1¼ 8.153 18-22 55-60
CTHB185 185 45-50 5,443 205-245 220-270 180-200  1¼ 13.255 22-25 55-60
CTHB195 190 48-55 6,043 225-265 270-330 180-200  1¼ 15.521 25-28 55-60
CTHB210 210 60-75 6,593 245-285 290-350 150-180  1¼ 20.435 25-28 55-60
Model Chisel Diameter Suitable Excavator Hammer Weight Operating Pressure Operating Oil Flow Blow Frequency Oil Hose Diameter Breaking Power Auto Grease System Back Cylinder N2 Gas Pressure Accumulator Pressure
No. in lbs lbs psi gal/min bpm inch kJ psi psi
CTHB05 1.4 1,100~2,200 165 1,280~1,707 4-8 800-1450 1/2 0.134 203-247 /
CTHB10 1.6 1,760~5,500 190 1,280~1,707 4-8 800-1450 1/2 0.259 203-247 /
CTHB20 1.8 2,600~6,600 238 1,280~1,707 4-8 700-1200 1/2 0.356 203-247 /
CTHB30 2.1 5,500~9,900 388 1,280~1,707 6.6~13.2 600-1100 1/2 0.475 203-247 /
CTHB35 2.4 6,600~12,000 512 1,280~1,707 6.6~13.2 600-1100 1/2 0.575 203-247 /
CTHB40 2.7 8,800~16,000 633 1,565~1,991 10.6~18.5 500-900 1/2 0.661 203-247 /
CTHB43 3.0 13,300~20,000 827 1,707~2,134 13.2~23.8 400-800 1/2 0.756 203-247 /
CTHB45 3.3 15,500~31,000 1,484 1,707~2,134 13.2~23.8 400-800 3/4 0.935 203-247 /
CTHB50 3.9 24,500~36,000 2,033 2,134-2,418 21.1-29.1 350-700 3/4 1.564 203-247 /
CTHB60 4.9 33,000~40,000 3,674 2,134~2,418 23.8~31.7 350-700 3/4 1.877 203-247 /
CTHB70 5.3 40,000~46,000 3,965 2,276~2,560 26.4~39.6 400-800  1 2.668 203-247 /
CTHB81 5.5 40,000~58,000 4,357 2,276~2,560 31.7~47.6 350-500  1 3.196 203-247 /
CTHB81A 5.5 40,000~58,000 4,553 2,276~2,560 31.7~47.6 400-550  1 3.204 203-247 798-870
CTHB100 5.9 55,000~66,000 4,703 2,276~2,560 39.6~55.5 350-450  1 3.758 203-247 798-870
CTHB121 6.1 62,000~71,000 5,762 2,276~2,560 47.6~63.4 300-450  1-1/4 5.014 247-290 798-870
CTHB131 6.5 66,000~77,100 6,137 2,276~2,560 50.8~68.7 250-400 1-1/4 6.974 247-290 798-870
CTHB140 6.5 70,000~83,800 6,710 2,276~2,560 55.5~71.4 250-380 1-1/4 7.052 247-290 798-870
CTHB151 6.9 81,500~99,200 8,033 2,276~2,702 55.5~76.6 200-350  1-1/4 8.153 261-319 798-870
CTHB185 7.3 99,200~110,200 12,002 2,916~3,485 58.1~79.3 180-200  1-1/4 13.255 319-363 798-870
CTHB195 7.7 10,5800~12,1200 13,325 3,200~3,769 71.4~87.2 180-200 1-1/4 15.521 363-406 798-870
CTHB210 8.2 13,2300~16,5300 14,538 3,485~4,054 76.6~92.5 150-180  1-1/4 20.435 363-406 798-870

*This specification may be changed without notice for performance improvement.
*Customization available.

Key Features and Benefits

Key Features

  • Premium Material Selection: ONLY use 20CrMo steel for cylinders, and other major components, all under the close quality test.
  • Mount Accumulator on Rock Hammer:
    The installation of the accumulator greatly increases the stability of the excavator breaker, ensuring the piston remains in optimal operating condition when the oil flow is redirected.
  • Hydraulic & Nitrogen Driven System: The combination of hydraulic nitrogen and oil pressure provides a powerful impact force to the breaker, thus enhancing crushing efficiency.

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